Rogue Hearts: A Bad Boy Baby Romance Read online

Page 7

  “I thought you wanted to talk about us,” she said. She shifted her weight like she might move away, but she didn’t.

  Already, he could hear the hesitation in her breath and almost feel the pulse in her thigh beating against his hand as he slid up farther. “That’s what I said, but being this close to you has me changing my mind.”

  He took that moment to let his hand reach her covered pussy. She was wet and ready for him just like he thought she’d be. All thought of talking escaped him as he pushed her panties aside and stuck two fingers inside her.

  She moaned. “Andrei.”

  “God, I love the way your beautiful skin flushes when you get excited like that.” His thumb flicked her clit, and she moved forward, forcing his fingers in deeper. “We could turn this into an argument or a discussion. It doesn’t matter, but one thing is certain. I’m going to fuck you tonight and make sure we both enjoy it.”

  He didn’t wait for her to say anything to contradict him. He removed any chance of that by claiming those sweet, luscious lips of hers. Before any talk of what they were to each other happened, he wanted her to feel how much he wanted her, needed her.

  He loved the way she opened up to him, making it easy for him to take control. He moved his fingers inside of her and found that special spot to make her moan even louder. In that moment, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought or wanted them to do.

  Fuck what was right or wrong, because he craved her more than anything or anyone. Andrei knew without a doubt that she wanted him. He could not get her out of his mind all day, and he’d be damned if he was going to let anyone take her away from him. He couldn’t get enough of her. They hadn’t been together in days, but it felt like weeks. Too fucking long. He had to be inside of her soon or he was going to go crazy.

  Andrei lifted her up and carried her to his bed. He took his time removing her clothes she was an orange for him to peel. He had to get to the succulent fruit inside, no matter the cost. He caressed her tummy and moved up to cup her breast, so ripe that it filled his hand perfectly. He enjoyed her fingers roaming through his hair as he went down further to kiss her tempting opening that was just for him.

  He used his tongue to find her clit, and when he did, the muscles in her thighs contracted around him. He could feel tremors going through her body as she arched her back and began to thrust against his tongue. He grabbed her hips with both hands to hold on and keep contact with her clit. She screamed with pleasure as her clit expanded enough for him to suck even harder on it.

  His fingers found her luscious opening again as he continued to explore her clit and discover the addictive reactions she had from his attentions. He knew and she was coming, could sense it but a pending storm ready to explode. Her screams were endless as copious amounts of juices poured out of her. To Andrei, her taste was the sweetest thing he’d ever enjoyed, and he licked away every bit of the sweet nectar she provided for him.

  His cock pressed hard against his boxers for he had become hard as a brick and felt the pre-cum dripped from his tip.

  He couldn’t wait anymore, so he rose up and shoved his boxers down his legs like a man possessed.

  “Are you ready for me, Victoria?” he asked.

  She moaned, still in her euphoric afterglow.

  “No, baby. I want to hear you say it. Tell me how much you want me.”

  “I want you, Andrei,” she said. “Need you. Please.”

  Her words took away any restraint he had left. He guided his tip to her opening and felt the wetness that still lingered there. His cock throbbed as he pushed into her hot, dripping pussy that belonged to him. Her body was his. All of her belonged to him, and he was going to make sure she understood it now and remembered that in the future.

  Victoria felt so good around him that he had to keep from coming too soon. He stilled himself, forcing his body to cooperate until they both had their fill.

  When he finally regained some sense of control, he moved. Victoria sighed into his ear, and he immediately wanted more. He found a steady rhythm moving in and out of her. She held onto his shoulders as if she was holding on for dear life, but even that wasn’t enough for him. He needed primal and raw ecstasy. He wanted her to claw at his back and scream his name.

  Her pussy gripped his cock hard, testing his patience and endurance. If she wanted more, he could give her all she wanted and then some.

  He picked up each stroke, each thrust powerful and hard so they both felt it and remembered. Thrashing around, scratching, biting one another like this was their last fuck ever. He didn’t know if his desperation after his father told him to end it flavored his urgency, but it wasn’t long until he felt her orgasm thrum through her body and into him, setting him off. He followed her peak and exploded deep inside of her, filling her with every essence of him.

  They came together and returned back to reality before collapsing in each other’s arms. There was no more doubt in his mind. This woman belonged to him. She was his, and no one was ever going to take her away from him. That was a silent oath he made to himself, and he would be damned if he’d ever break it.

  Chapter 11


  “Why am I getting a call from a prominent judge asking you be removed from the Stavenoff case? You haven’t even been back in court a day!” District Attorney Andrew Smith ran his fingers through his already graying hair. Being DA took a toll on you, no matter who you were or how well you did your job.

  “I know, sir,” Victoria said. She was expecting to have a little more time before she talked to her boss about what happened in court, but apparently Judge Hughes moved fast. She’d come clean to her boss about her and Andrei. There was no other choice, and she wasn’t a liar, despite the reputation lawyers made for themselves. “I am still able to do my job well, sir. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I promise.”

  “Well, I hope not. This isn’t some nightly television drama, Bellamy. We practice real law here. More than that, we’re public servants who represent the people. Most public legal systems would let you go even at the hint of a scandal.”

  “We didn’t know we’d be facing each other in court again.” The room was spinning, and she felt nauseous. Recently, she wasn’t handling stress well.

  “Even associating with Mr. Rusak after that first case was bad enough. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t on opposing sides during the start of your…relationship. What matters is that the press and the public will see the worst. Maybe even think you two manipulated the case.”

  “Sir, you know me. I would never—”

  “Bellamy, I know that. The public doesn’t.”

  She understood what he was saying. It didn’t matter that she and Andrei weren’t lovers during the first case. That was one of the bad parts about being a state prosecutor. People always thought the worst. You were guilty until proven otherwise.

  Smith sighed and sat back in his chair. He tossed a folder over to her.

  “What’s this, sir?”

  “Read it.”

  She pulled the papers out and was stunned by what she read. “A recommendation letter?”

  “Not just any recommendation letter. Chicago is looking for a new DA, and I told them you’d be perfect for the job.”

  “Me? District Attorney?”

  “Don’t seem so surprised, Bellamy. Before your injury, you were at the top of your game. I dare say you are the best ADA I’ve had the honor of working with. But now…”

  “I promise. It’s just…I thought I had to work a few more years before I was even considered for this.”

  “You know me, Bellamy. I don’t give my praise often, so when I do it counts. You’re one of the best prosecutors in this department, which is why it’d be a shame to waste your talents by keeping you here.”


  He held his hand out to stop her. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime, Bellamy. Any other prosecutor would jump at the chance to take it. Due to recent circumstances, I’m sure we can wa
it a little while before you make your decision. I want to be certain you don’t take this opportunity lightly.”

  “No, sir. I never do that.”

  “Good to hear it. That will be all then, but don’t take too long to think about this or it may not be here when you finally make a decision.”

  She stood up. “I understand, sir. Thank you.”

  Deedee and Roslyn were in her office when she got back.

  “So? What did he say?” Deedee asked. “He didn’t fire you, did he?”

  “No,” Victoria said. “He offered me a promotion.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Roslyn said.

  “Of course that’s a good thing,” Deedee added.

  “So why do she look like someone killed your cat?” Roslyn asked.

  “He offered me a DA position,” Victoria said.

  Roslyn squinted her eyes. “That doesn’t make any sense. He’s the DA.”

  “Not here. He offered me the DA position in Chicago.”

  Deedee hugged her. “Holy shit, girl. That’s amazing.”

  “He’s offering you the chance of a lifetime,” Roslyn said. “You’d be a crazy fool not to take it, so what’s with the hesitation?”

  Victoria tried to think of how to voice her words without sounding like a complete idiot. Roslyn was right. She would be crazy not to take up the offer, there was only one strong reason for her not to do it. She hesitated before saying anything, but somehow they knew.

  “It’s that lawyer you’ve been crushing on, isn’t it?” Deedee asked.

  “Any other time I would’ve jumped on this without thinking about it. Now, I don’t know what to do.”

  Victoria didn’t realize how strong her feelings for Andrei were until the thought of possibly leaving him sunk in. She hadn’t planned for any of this to happen, but she was in deep and wasn’t sure if she could ever let go. Andrei had crept in and become a part of her somehow, even if she didn’t know what that part was exactly.

  “Tell you what, we’ll grab lunch and talk it over,” Deedee said.

  “I don’t feel much like eating anything,” Victoria said, sitting on her desk.

  “My treat today, especially with so much on your mind.”

  Roslyn arched her brow. “So now you have money to spend?”

  “What? This is helping a friend in need. I’m all about helping friends.”

  “Oh, I’m sure.”

  Victoria smiled. Her friends’ lighthearted bickering softened her mood a bit, and she finally let them drag her to a nearby café.

  She wasn’t hungry, but she could use some time away from the office. Besides, she could use some advice on what she should do, because she didn’t trust herself to make any good decisions at the moment. She ordered a ham and turkey chef salad and a medium soft drink, but she just picked at the food in her bowl.

  Her friends Roslyn and Deedee were ecstatic about her new job offer. Victoria wished she could be as excited as they were.

  “So are you in love with him?” Deedee asked.

  “I don’t know. Isn’t it too soon to be in love with him?”

  “Only you can answer that one,” Roslyn said.

  Victoria said, “I don’t want to leave him, but I don’t know what to do.”

  “You could ask him to go with you,” Rosalyn said. “If he really cares about you, you at least consider it.”

  “I can ask him to do that, give up his life for me.”

  “Isn’t that what you’d be doing if you didn’t go?”

  “People make sacrifices for the people they care about,” Deedee said. “If you love him, maybe you should stay here and work on your relationship. You can always find another job since you are a lawyer, right?”

  Victoria answered, “I guess you are right about that.”

  Deedee said, “If this man is the love of your life, don’t leave. You may end up regretting it.”

  “That’s not fair.” Roslyn took a sip of her water before continuing. “Why should she be the one to have to give up her career for him? He should at least be willing to do the same thing.”

  The decisions were making Victoria dizzy. “I don’t feel well. Maybe I shouldn’t eat this salad.” She beckoned their waitress over. “Take another ginger ale, please?”

  When the waitress returned, she tried to drink the fresh ginger ale, but nausea overtook her. She bolted to the bathroom, and she barely made the toilet before everything in her stomach came rushing out. She heard footsteps behind her, but she didn’t dare look up for fear of getting sick again.

  “You okay, girl?” Deedee asked.

  “I don’t know. I think so.” Victoria closed her eyes, hoping to push the dizzy feeling away.

  “Maybe we should take you to the doctor,” Deedee said.

  “Is there any chance you might be…” Roslyn’s voice trailed off.

  “Might be what?” Deedee asked. “Are you asking her?”

  “If she could be pregnant.”

  That loaded word hit Victoria but the sack of bricks, and it made her lurch over the toilet again. There was no way… “Oh, hell,” Victoria said. She had not used a condom when she’d been with Andrei. She been so consumed by him, so lost in the sensations he was giving her that she hadn’t cared.

  “So it’s possible?” Roslyn asked. “You really could be pregnant?”

  “Maybe,” she said. “It might be too early to tell.”

  Deedee perked up. “You definitely need to go to the doctor. Immediately.”

  “Yeah,” Rosalyn, said. “You should take the rest of the day off. You don’t look too hot, sweetie.”

  “Maybe I should go home and lie down.”

  “Don’t worry,” Rosalyn said. Victoira felt her friend’s hand rubbing her back, comforting her. “We’ll cover for you.”

  “We got this,” Deedee said. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. My OB-GYN has walk-in hours then, and she’s one of the best in the area. She loves her patients.”

  Victoria wasn’t strong enough to argue. “All right.”

  “We’re calling you a cab,” Rosalyn said.

  After she got home, she couldn’t rest. What if she was pregnant? Did that mean her career was over? How was she going to tell Andrei if she was?

  She tried sleeping, but it was useless. Nervousness filled her at all the things that could go wrong if she was pregnant. She couldn’t find a comfortable position.

  She needed to see Andrei. She needed to feel his arms around her to comfort her and make her feel that everything would be okay. She knew that she needed to see him right away.

  Instead of calling, she went straight over there when she thought he’d be home, giving him enough time to travel home.

  She knocked, and when he opened the door, she held on to him.

  “Hey,” he said, chuckling. “This is a needed surprise. I was just thinking about you.”

  “I thought about you too.” She took in the strong and exotic scent of his cologne and allowed it to wrap around her, until she couldn’t think of anything but him.

  “I was just about to make dinner,” he said. “Care to join me?”

  She thought about food, and her stomach growled. She didn’t have anything in her stomach since she’d gotten sick earlier.

  He laughed at the sound. “I’ll take that as a yes. Get comfortable. I can start the stove up.”

  She let him take her jacket and followed him into the kitchen. There was something so peaceful about watching him cook. It was so domestic and not like her at all, but yet he was sexy as hell as he moved, which showed nothing but strength in his masculine frame as he moved from the refrigerator to the stove and to the counter.

  As he cooked, she thought about the job offer in Chicago. Her friends and boss were all right. It was one of the best opportunities she’d ever had, and it could be the only one she’d ever see.

  Any other time in her career, before meeting Andrei, and she would have been ecstatic with the offer. Making DA at her age
was an accomplishment in itself, but as a black woman, it was even more rewarding. She’d be crazy not to accept it, because an opportunity of this caliber might never come around again.

  Roslyn could have had a point earlier. She and Andrei could move to Chicago and start a new life together. It’d be refreshing to be away from the jobs that were now in question because of their relationship.

  She immediately shook that fantasy out of her head. They hadn’t been together long enough to make a long-term decision like that. They hadn’t even been out more than a few times together, but already she was planning their future. She had to be totally insane.

  Now, she could possibly be pregnant. It was all too much to handle.

  “You look like you’re thinking too hard over there,” Andrei said. “How about some wine?”

  “Okay. I mean, no. I’m fine.”

  “You sure? Look like you could use something to relax.” He poured a glass for himself.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  “You going to tell me what’s got you all freaked out? You look a little down. It isn’t your office giving you hell because of me?”

  “That’s part of it.”

  “I’ll come there and tell them my side. They have to know we did nothing wrong. Neither one of us would have entered that courtroom if we knew we were facing each other.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but you coming to my job would only make things worse. Think of how your office would react to me showing up defending you.”

  “I guess you have a point.”

  “There is something I wanted to tell you.”

  He took out ingredients for a salad and mixed the vegetables in a bowl, and she thought about the salad she couldn’t eat earlier.

  “I’m all ears. What’s on your mind, baby?”

  There was that word again. Even his endearments were hitting her with steady reminders of their unprotected nights together.

  “My boss offered me a promotion today,” she said, watching for his reaction.

  “Really? That’s great!” He stopped messing with the salad and came around the counter to kiss her and pull her into his arms. “Why would you be nervous to share that with me?”