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- Alyse Zaftig
Sassy Ever After_Double the Sass
Sassy Ever After_Double the Sass Read online
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Double the Sass
Alyse Zaftig
1. Wine
2. Gatorade
3. Columbia
4. Agreement
5. Pants
6. Interrupted
7. Fight
8. Reveal
9. Breakfast
10. Discussion
11. Resolution
"Oh, I'm so sorry," I heard as my lap got wet. I looked at the wine spreading quickly on my brand new white silk dress. I looked up. There was a girl who was drunk off her butt holding a mostly empty wine glass. It seemed that she'd had a little too much tonight.
"It's fine," I said, my shoulders tense. "I was going home anyway."
"I'm so sorry," she said again before the guy she was with pulled her away, his hand resting on the curve of her butt. I shook my head. I hoped that those Spring Breakers had a good time and that she wasn't too drunk for it to be a problem.
I stared at my wine-stained lap and sighed. So much for a night out. I'd only been in this bar for 10 minutes, not even long enough to get the attention of a bartender. I guessed that it was a sign from above that I wasn't meant to be a party person.
I jumped off of the stool and landed funny on my too-high heels, teetering and resigned about spraining an ankle. I felt a hand under my elbow and looked into the most startlingly blue eyes I'd ever seen.
"You okay there?" he asked.
"Uh," I said, blinking up at him. "I..."
"I saw her stumble and spill her wine on you," he said. "I'm Mike. I'm parked right outside. Can I get you somewhere?"
Considering that I was about to take the Breeze home, I shrugged. He didn't seem like a psychotic ax murderer, so it was probably okay. If I had not felt cold wine seeping into my underwear, I probably would have said no. In my purse, I had pepper spray and a cell phone, so I was feeling pretty well prepared. Without them, I would’ve jumped on the free public transportation.
I jumped into the passenger seat of his car. It smelled like sandalwood. "Do you use Glade or something?"
"Your car smells really good."
"It's my cologne."
I didn't know what possessed me to do it, but I leaned forward and smelled his neck. "You smell really good to me." I hadn't even touched any alcohol, beyond the wine that had been spilled on me. "Whatever it is, it's good."
He smiled at me and asked, "Where to?"
I rattled off my motel's address. I really could've walked, but that would've been miserable. I hoped that I wasn't getting any of my wine on his seat or floor.
"Here we are."
"Thank you," I said. I dug around in my purse. "Thanks for being a knight." I offered him a $20.
He stared at the money and shook his head. "No need."
"But you were so sweet," I said. "And I pay my debts."
"Don't pay me for helping you out. But if you want to repay me, come to dinner with me tomorrow."
I looked at him closely. "You really mean that? You want to go on a date with me?"
"And I'll even bring a surprise. Whaddaya say?"
I thought about it. He'd bailed me out tonight. Tomorrow, I'd bring my car to the venue so I could make a quick escape if he turned out to be a creep. "Yeah, okay."
"Meet me at the Columbia tomorrow at 8."
The Columbia was a pretty fancy place with high prices. I hoped he was paying since he'd invited me. But I'd bring my credit card in case I needed it. "Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow."
I got out of the car and went into my house. Now the wine was lukewarm. I sprayed my silk dress with stain remover and stood there in my soaked underwear and bra. I needed to get out of these wet clothes. While I applied the stain remover to my underwear, I wondered what I'd signed up for. I didn't even know his name. I'd show up at the Columbia tomorrow. If he was just pigging me or something, I'd go home after 10 minutes. There was something about him, though, that made me think that he'd actually show up. I wondered what his surprise would be.
From the moment I smelled her, I knew that I'd found our mate. Blue would be mad that he'd missed out on it, but he'd be meeting her tomorrow at dinner. I thought about texting Blue about it, but I'd wait for my beta to get home after his basketball game. I didn't want to shower, because I still could smell her on my body from her proximity in my car. My shoulders were tense on the drive home. I didn't know how to break it to her that she was our fated mate when she’d met me for only a few moments. I needed her. I wanted to drive back to her home and spend the night with my nose in her hair, my hand on her hip, her head on my bicep as we slept together. But if I moved too fast, she'd be scared. She'd met me once in her whole life. It wasn't like she knew for sure that she was the one for me and my beta, for the rest of our lives. She didn't even know my name yet.
I felt itchy in my human skin, so I shucked my clothing off and went for a run in wolf form. I didn't go far from home, though, because my sense of time in wolf form was iffy. I could sense my beta, though, so I could feel him getting closer when his game ended. I shifted back into my human form when he arrived at our house and put on shorts.
"Hey, man." Blue was chugging a bottle of Gatorade. "What's that smell?" He smelled the air and cocked his head. He came closer to me and took a bigger whiff, a confused expression on his face.
"I met our mate today."
The orange Gatorade sprayed across the floor. "What?"
"Yup. Met her in a bar."
His eyes were wide. "What do you mean you met her in a bar?"
I shrugged. "Exactly what I said."
"How is that possible?" He stared at the puddle of orange Gatorade on the ground. "What does she look like?"
"Smooth brown skin. Beautiful smile. Her eyes are the color of chocolate."
Blue whistled. "I can't wait to meet her."
"I already set up a date."
Blue raised his eyebrows. "You work fast."
"What can I say? I always get what I want." Blue was much more low key than I was. I was an aggressive, decisive Alpha. When I wanted something, I would not stop until I got it. And our mate was worth the fight.
"Am I invited?"
"Of course."
"Does she know that there are two of us?"
"Not yet. I just met her. I don't want to scare her off."
Blue grabbed paper towels so that he could clean up the mess he'd made. He mopped up the Gatorade. "She smells good at least."
"Even if she looked like Quasimodo, I'd still take her home. But she's beautiful."
"Curvy?" Blue asked, licking his lips. I could see the amber ring in his eyes showing that his wolf wanted to meet his mate, too.
"You know it. Fate wouldn't gi
ve us anything else."
Blue whooped. He was always more visibly emotional than I was. "Hot damn. How fast do you think we can put cubs inside of her?"
"I forbid you to talk about cubs during our dinner. We're going to the Columbia."
Blue wrinkled his nose. "I'm going to have to wear a suit."
"Yes." I looked in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair. “I’ll wear one, too.”
I looked at my watch. I was twenty minutes early. I made a face at myself in my mirror and just got out of the car, wobbling a little on my heels. They weren't even that high. I was just nervous for the first date that I'd had in a while. I didn't know the guy's name or phone number, and I had no idea how I was going to find him.
As soon as I got inside, I figured it out quickly. The restaurant was empty and quiet besides the host at the front.
"Ma'am, if you'll come this way, please."
I followed him into the restaurant. There was light classical music playing in the background. And sitting next to the white knight was another man. They stood as I approached.
I felt like I'd taken a punch straight to my gut. I'd been hoping that whatever spark had ignited would pan out. And he was apparently gay.
"Ah, our mysterious..." the new guy said before the white knight elbowed him.
"Such a pleasure to see you," the white knight said. "Please sit down."
I smoothed my skirt as I sat down, my eyes bouncing between the two of them. "Is this is the surprise you were talking about? Your gay partner?"
Both of them burst into a fit of laughter. The white knight literally howled with powerful laughter that shook his whole body. I just stared at them and was grateful that the restaurant was empty.
"Sugar, I have nothing against gay people. But I'm not one." The second man gave me a wink and touched my hand. "I prefer something else."
I could feel the heat of his gaze like a tangible touch. Florida was hot, but the temperature inside of this air-conditioned restaurant just got hotter. I cleared my throat and looked at the white knight. He was still wiping tears from his eyes.
"Oh man, I needed that today." He smiled at me and something melted inside of my chest.
"What's your name?" I blurted, then I blushed hard. I was the opposite of smooth.
"Jasper Wolfe,” the white knight said. "And I brought Blue with me."
I turned to look at the second guy. He was a little bit shorter than Jasper, but he had blonde hair and this air of easy confidence about him that made him appealing. I could see myself dating him and relaxing on the couch while trying to find a movie we both wanted to watch. I thought that my first date with him would be something simple and easy, like grabbing freshly made ice cream and having a tickle fight.
"What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" I asked. I blushed hard since I Just blurted something out without considering it beforehand.
"Blueberry," Blue said as if random strangers asked him questions like that every day.
"Mine is pineapple."
"I've never had those flavors of ice cream. Or frozen yogurt, even." I touched the back of my neck.
"We'll go for ice cream right after this," Jasper promised. "I already put in our dinner order."
"Excuse me, don't I get a menu or something?"
"Not when Jasper is around," Blue replied.
I frowned. I didn't like it when guys were too forceful and Jasper had alpha male written all over him. "I'd prefer to order my own food."
"Tough," Jasper said. "The chef is already bringing it out."
I watched as he rolled out a big cart. He had a lot of mysterious stains on his apron that looked new. When he pulled the silver cover off of the platter, I stared at it, unable to figure out what it was. It resembled a deformed chicken. I wasn’t really on board with eating some Franken-chicken.
Seeing the expression, Blue said, “It's duck!"
I made a face. This weird surprise double date was going south fast. I needed to get out of here.
"I'm gonna hit the bathroom," I said. It was time to bail on this weird date. Two guys? No ordering? Nobody else in the restaurant?
I was getting freaked out by all the money and attention. It was over the top. I wanted to order my own food and make my own decisions, not get railroaded by two random guys, no matter how hot they were. They seemed to be in sync, which made me feel like an outsider. They belonged here, in a restaurant that they’d bought out. I didn’t.
When I went into the bathroom, I touched up my eyeliner. I stared at the window in the ladies' room. It was too small for me to climb out of. I was going to have to escape via the back door and hope the staff didn't see me and nobody was on a smoke break.
I got out of the bathroom and immediately ran into Blue.
"Oh no!" I yelped. I had a bottle of black liquid liner that came hurling out of my purse and splashed on Blue's khaki pants. "That's going to leave a mark."
Blue brushed at it, which just succeeded in spreading the stain. "It's fine."
"It's not!" I was almost hyperventilating. "That eyeliner doesn't come out of clothing. Ask me how I know." There'd been an unfortunate incident with my favorite ivory sheath and a few errant drops of liner. I bought a huge amount of stain remover to attempt to remove the eyeliner, but the damage to my sheath was irreversible. "Let me buy you a new pair."
"Right now? Jasper's getting impatient."
If I were in an old cartoon, steam would be shooting out of my ears. "Let's ditch him and go shopping."
Blue raised his eyebrows at me. "You have no idea what he'll do if he realizes that you ran out on a date with him."
"Let's not tell him." I gestured towards the back door. "Let's have an adventure."
Blue looked at me for a moment, then I saw a beautiful mischievous light enter his eyes. "Let's see how long it lasts." He pulled open the back door. "Ladies first."
I stepped through and immediately felt lighter. Sure, I was ditching my date, but he was being a dick. Now I was with his buddy, the surprise other part of the date, and I couldn't be happier. There weren't that many stores to pick from, so I just jumped into the nearest one that looked like it might sell men's clothing.
"Hi!" I walked up to a teenager who was folding jeans.
"Hello," she said, not looking up. "How can I help you?"
"I'm afraid that my pants are stained," Blue said. "We'd like to buy a replacement."
"Yeah, sure," she said without an ounce of enthusiasm. "Wait here."
She shuffled like a geriatric towards a rack in the back, then she pulled it to the middle of the store. "What kind of pants do you want?"
"I'd like to replace the ones that I ruined," I told her.
"I don't need new khaki pants. Maybe we should go for black or navy." He looked at his shirt. "Navy."
The teenager rolled her eyes. "Navy pants coming right up."
"Are you sure you want to be in this store?" I whispered to Blue. "I mean, the teenage saleswoman doesn't seem that enthusiastic."
"Is any teenager enthusiastic about working? She's probably mad that we took her away from folding jeans." We both looked at the display. The jeans were artistically arranged, but I was afraid of actually picking one up to buy since it would ruin the pattern. Blue put a light hand on my shoulder and squeezed. "We'll be fine."
The teenager came back with a stack of navy pants and had apparently gotten a giant gob of gum, because she was noisily blowing giant pink bubbles. I got the impression that she was trying to get us to leave her alone. We were the only customers in the store, and it was obvious she was not paid any kind of commission.
"Here," she said, shoving the stack into my arms before spinning on her heel and marching into the back room.
"Okay, that was borderline hostile," I said quietly to Blue.
"It's an adventure," he said. He took the pants out of my arms and went to a dressing room. The curtains didn't close all the way, s
o I watched as he shed his pants and stood in his boxers. He had really muscular legs, the kind that you'd see on an ancient Greek statue. I fanned myself a little while he couldn't look at me. I didn't mind leaving behind alpha Jasper at all. Blue was a lot nicer to me and I wasn't going to complain about seeing a little more of his skin.
I averted my eyes before I passed the line into creeper territory.
"What do you think?" Blue said, shoving the curtain open. "Ugh, sorry." He'd forgotten to unfasten it, so he had to unhook it before trying again.
"Not right," I said. The thighs looked too tight. "Turn around."
Blue spun so I could get a good view of his ass. It was toned, but the pants were just too tight on him. "Can you even walk?"
Blue walked out of the changing stall experimentally. "That'd be a no."
I shoved the curtain closed again. "Next time, try walking before anything else." I could hear the sounds of him taking off his clothes.
Suddenly, the front door of the shop slammed open. The glass pane in the center shattered. Jasper Wolfe was coming into the store.
"Did you seriously just ditch me on our date?" He looked like steam should be coming out of his nostrils.
"Yup. If you're going to be a douchebag and not respect my boundaries, I don't need to finish a date with you." My chin came up. I was ready to throw down.
"A more polite person would've just told me instead of running off with my b... best friend."
"A more polite person would've let me order for myself and listened when I protested." I crossed my arms. "I guess neither of us are very polite."