Fresh: A BWWM Secret Billionaire Romance Page 5
My legs were wet with melting snow. I might be obstinate, but I wasn't suicidally obstinate. I wanted to come in. My body was starting to shiver a bit.
"I'll take you up on the cocoa." He gave me his hand to pull me up. I was flush with his body, though our coats and various layers were between. He kissed me again, then he towed me inside. I was so confused. What did he want?
"Stomp your boots. I don't want to get too much snow inside of the house. The puddles take forever to dry up."
I obediently stomped my boots outside.
"There's snow all over my clothes, too." I took off my coat at the door and hung it on his coatrack. I took off my hat. I unwound my scarf. Everything was saturated with snow. I took off my vest. I was down to my Uniqlo layer and my long-johns at this point.
I could see him looking at the wet cloth clinging to my breasts. He had teased me earlier today, suddenly kissing me when he wanted to. If he didn't want to have sex, that was his thing, not mine. I defiantly pulled off my shirt. His eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw my boobs encased in their white lace bra. He closed his eyes.
"Amelia, please put your shirt back on so that I can open my eyes."
There was the rustle of clothes. "You can look now."
His eyes opened, then immediately shut again. Then he opened his eyes again, unable to resist the show.
"When I told you to put on your shirt, that didn't mean to take off your bra, too. Cripes, Amelia." He swallowed audibly.
"Why are you fighting this so much?"
"I haven't..." He closed his eyes again. "I haven't done this before," he rushed out in a single breath.
"You're a virgin?" My eyebrows shot up.
"I...think that sex is an expression of love between two people. I don't sleep around...I've never slept with anyone."
That explained a lot. "Well, you were pretty concerned about how cold I was. Why don't you take a shower?"
He blinked. "What? Why would me taking a shower warm you up?"
I stared at him before I watched the implication sink in. I tapped my bare foot.
"Oh." He blinked. "Okay. I think that I could get on board with that." I saw his dimples again.
He shed his clothes by the door, too. I got a glimpse of his smooth skin and the muscles that he had hidden away from me until now. He was semi-erect. I knew that when it was fully erect, it would be huge.
"Catch me."
I turned and ran up the stairs. After a half second, I heard him running behind me. He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. It was a bit of a bumpy ride up the stairs, but I enjoyed being carried away like this, as if he was a Viking and he was stealing me. He got us both into the tiny shower and turned on the warm spray. There was only just enough room for the two of us to stand face to face. I kissed him. He leaned down a lot, and his knees were bent so that they went around my body.
I put my hands on his shoulders, and I pulled myself up. Thank goodness for gymnastics skills. I held onto his body with my legs and arms. His hands came to support my ass. I kissed him more thoroughly, exploring his mouth with my tongue. It was easier to get at him when we were wrapped up like this. When he was panting hard, I knew that I should change the position.
"Put me down, please." He put me back on my feet, but I immediately went to my knees. The shower was a very tight fit for this, but I would make it work. I swirled my tongue around his cockhead, and I felt his hands go to my hair. He could not stop himself from pushing and withdrawing from my mouth.
"Feels so good," he moaned quietly. "Ah."
I let go of his cock, and I went straight for his balls. When I started tea-bagging him, I heard him yelp a little bit. I concentrated on the part of his body that I knew was the most sensitive with the most nerve endings, and I was gratified to see his body vibrating like a violin string that had just been plucked by a virtuoso. His thighs were very tense, and when I heard him grunt above me, he released into my mouth, filling me with his salty seed. When he was done, I let go of his softening cock.
"That was amazing."
He touched my spine and kissed me lightly. I shared the taste of his come with him.
"I've never had that before." He swallowed.
I smiled. "There's plenty where that came from." I bit his ear while I was standing on tiptoe.
"I better wash you up." I took soap from the shower caddy, and I lathered it up. I put my hand on his dick. Instead of softening, he reversed direction. He was getting bigger and harder than the first time. He was breathing hard, watching me tug on him in a perfect rhythm.
"I don't want to come yet. I want to pay you back for the..."
"Oral skills?" I smiled. "I'm down."
King Bed
He took me into his bedroom for the first time. He had a large king-sized bed.
"Nice bed."
"I'm really tall. I don't fit on the other beds. The bed that you have in your room is built for a child...which..." he loomed over me. "Is about your height."
I pinched him. "Believe me, the way that I feel about you is very adult." I pushed him with my hands on his warm, wet chest onto the bed. We hadn't even toweled off. There would be enough time for that later. Honestly, the heat from the two of us would probably turn everything to steam in a few minutes anyway.
He was flat on his back on the bed, and I crawled up so that I could sit on his face.
He listened to me, and he pushed his large, wide, inexperienced tongue against my lower lips.
"Lick my clit." I directed his tongue to the right place, changing the angle that I was at over his face. My breasts were swinging as I ground into his face. He may not be that experienced, but he was good, very good for his first time giving oral.
As I felt myself nearly getting to my climax, I got off of his face.
"Why did you stop? I was just getting the hang of it."
"The first time that I come from you, you're going to be inside of me."
I slid down his body. His cock was fully erect and waiting for me. I stroked it a few times, and it got impossibly bigger.
"Have you ever thought about a career in porn? Your dick is big enough for it."
He laughed. "Nah. It’s not.“
I let the subject drop. He watched me as I positioned his hard rod between my legs. I teased him, just putting the tip to my lower lips.
"You want this?" I cupped my breasts, offering them to him. "You want it?"
In response, I found myself laying on my back with my sturdy thighs on each side of his hips. Without a word, he sank inside of me. I gasped. I had seen how big his cock was, and I felt how big it was when I sucked him earlier, but that was no comparison to what it felt like when he thrust it all inside of my body. I felt my body was falling apart in two pieces. He pushed into me again and again in a quick rhythm. He leaned down and bit my neck, then he moved down to biting my breasts. My head thrashed from the overwhelming sensations in my body. I had been turned on and so close from when I was queening him, and I felt myself getting right back to that point.
Until I couldn't hold on anymore, and the sensation of his hard, hot cock plunging into my wetness was too much to take. I moaned, and he put his hand on my clit. He rubbed it a little bit, and I nearly blacked out as I saw sparks behind my eyelids.
When I opened my eyes again, he was still going at it. He was using my wet, limp body for his pleasure. At this point, I couldn't feel or move my legs. They were locked in place. He grunted a few times, then I felt a little spurt of precome inside of my body. His eyes shut tight, and his mouth was open. His breath was coming in gasps. I tightened my Kegel muscles.
With a cry, he followed me over the cliff. He spilled spurt after spurt of hot come inside of my waiting body, enough that it came out onto my thighs and the sheets.
He pulled out of me, spilling even more seed on his sheets.
"That was incredible. Thank yo
u." He kissed me lightly again, with a little tongue this time.
I smiled up at him. "When I have the strength to walk, I am going to need a shower."
Cold Tile
"My legs feel like Jello, but..." He rolled to the side of the bed, and he pulled me into his strong arms. He carried me right back into the shower. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He turned on the water. He pinned my back against the cold wall, and he kissed me desperately.
I broke the kiss. "Put me down."
He put me back on my feet, and I soaped him up, all of him. His hard chest, his sweaty back, his well-used genitals, and his taut ass. I touched every bit of him, including his toned forearms and his solid calves. His breathing got funny when I was touching his calf with my hand, and I tickled him a little behind the knee.
"Turnabout is fair play." He stole the soap from me, and he cleaned me up in just the same way. The slick soap was everywhere.
Suddenly, my feet were not on the ground anymore. He pulled me back into his arms, and he put my back against the cold wall. I tilted my head so that I could kiss him.
He pulled back. “I want you." He had a hand on his dick, and he guided himself into my sore pussy. I didn't know if I could take more, but when I felt his hard silken warmth inside of my body, I changed my mind. I could endure a little pain for this much pleasure. I tightened my muscles around him.
He moaned in front of me, then he tucked his face into my neck. I felt the abrasion of his beard against my shoulder and breast. He pushed and pulled his dick inside of my waiting body. He was pinning me to the wall with his body and holding me up with one hand. The other hand touched my clit again.
"You're a very fast learner."
"I aim to please. People pleaser."
He touched my body gently, then roughly. I screamed as every muscle in my body seized up. I went flying into space. He followed right behind me, shooting load after load of hot come inside of my wet body. And I knew that it had been something far beyond what I had ever experienced to feel this with him, to be his first.
"I popped your cherry," I teased. "But you are a very fast learner."
"Oh my god, I had no idea that sex would feel this good. I would not have waited so long if I had known."
"I am glad that I was your first." I kissed his cheek. "If you hadn't waited, I wouldn't be." And for some reason, it made me happy to think that I was the only girl with whom he had ever had sex.
The water sprayed all of the evidence off of our bodies. I was warm from top to bottom, from the center of my bones outward. It could have been the shower, but I knew that it was the sex and the warmth that was flowing between the two of us. "I've never had sex like that."
He kissed me. He turned off the water, and he reached out to wrap both of us in the blue towel.
"I'm exhausted. Nap with me?"
"Sounds great." I never napped. "Lead on."
With his arm and the towel wrapped around me, he pulled me to his bed. He lay down, and I went to his side and lay my head on his chest. It felt reassuringly warm and solid beneath me. I could feel his muscles flex as he pulled the covers around us.
It felt nice to fall asleep in his arms. Everything was warm and light, even though the room was dark. I felt safe and like my entire body was filled with happy light. I was like the star in Neil Gaiman’s Stardust.
I felt his breathing slow, and mine did, too. I could feel the soft, steady thumping of his heartbeat, and it lulled me to sleep.
Rainbow Trout
I woke up in his bed. I could smell his scent all around me, like he was holding me. He wasn't in bed. I sat up. I hissed a little when I felt the cold air hit my naked body.
My nose twitched as I sniffed a little bit. He was cooking something.
I got out of bed, and I went to his closet. I put on one of his shirts, and I walked downstairs.
"What's cooking?"
"Oh, you're up. I didn't want to wake you up. You looked like an angel." He bent down to kiss me, like he couldn't get enough of my mouth. "Nothing fancy, but I thought you might some grilled rainbow trout."
"I normally don't like fish," I warned him.
"Believe me, this is something different. I swear, this is something that you're going to like. My friend has this aquaponics farm, and he grows basil. He cold-finishes the fish. He sells the fish at the farmer's market alongside pesto for an arm and a leg, but he gives it to me for free. It's really good. It's what I eat when I need a quick, hearty meal. I think someone made me work up an appetite."
"I'm not apologizing for it. In fact, I might make you work up an appetite soon. Very soon." I put a finger into the waistband of his pants.
He pulled my hand away and kissed it to take the sting of rejection away. "I'm starving, and you know, there is such a thing as recovery time."
I pouted, but he only laughed. "Can you get the plates for lunch? Set the table, too, please."
I set the table, and I put two plates near the stove for him so that they would be ready.
He took the grilled trout, and he put it on the plates for the two of us. I had to admit, the pesto on top did look pretty good. I loved pesto. I did the knife flick to get the fish onto my fork. I ate it.
"Oh my god, this is so good. What did you put in it?" I chewed and swallowed. “It doesn’t really taste like fish.”
He smiled, pride written all over his face. He did a little fist pump. "I'm glad that you like it. It's one of my favorite dishes. The secret is garlic butter."
"But there's already garlic in the pesto."
"Yeah. It's garlic overload. Very good for anybody who has a cold. Garlic is great for you if you're sick. I am still a little worried about the snow angels."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. But it's nice to think that you want to take care of me."
"Anytime." He picked up my hand and kissed my palm. Our eyes met, and a pulse of heat sizzled between us in the second of silence. "I promise I'll take very good care of you later. Eat now, though. We both need our strength."
My stomach growled, and I pulled my hand back from him. I scarfed down the pesto-laden fish.
"You're cooking all the time. I am not a great cook, but I can make you crepes. They are easy. Do you have any red wine? Bordeaux would be best, but I'll take anything."
"I have a little Bordeaux, yeah. It might be out in the barn."
I stopped eating. "The barn? What, do you have a wine cellar out there?"
"Nah," he said, rubbing his head. "It's just cold out there, so it's okay. Alcohol doesn't freeze that easily. I'll go out after dinner and start defrosting it. I'll submerge a wine bottle the water in a little bit. That should be ready for dinner."
"Cool. I think you have everything else." I thought. I had seen milk, eggs, and flour in his refrigerator. "Do you have ham?"
He blinked. "Ham? In a crepe?"
"I don't think that I will make a crepe if it is for dinner. I would rather make galettes."
"Galettes?" He sounded like he had never heard that word before.
"They are made from a heartier flour...we will make do with whatever we have. They are heavier. Crepes are sweet and for breakfast. Galettes are full meals."
"Yeah, I have ham. Can you put some cheese in it, or do galettes not have cheese?"
"Ham and cheese galettes sound great. Now scoot back to the barn. Those cows aren't going to take care of themselves. I'll clear the table."
He tugged on my earlobe, and he put on his coat to go outside.
The door closed behind him.
I felt naked but happy inside of his shirt. It was crazy to think that I had resisted him for so long. My dad had flung me at a life-long virgin. I shook my head. What was he thinking?
I would come downstairs to fix dinner in a few hours, but I think that this called for a new painting.
I took off the Demeter painting. It would wait. Instead of planning this painting, I just went at it.
was done in just two hours. I stood back and looked at it. In this painting, the sun was shining benevolently on a cornfield in full bloom. The sky was the color of Jimmy's eyes, a little bit wrong for the kind of sky that you want to see overhead, but it was my painting. I got artistic license. The flowers underneath were flourishing under the light of the sun. They were huge, as tall as sunflowers, but they came in every color of the rainbow. They reached for the sun, and it loved them back.
I looked at it, and I knew that it was one of the best paintings I had ever done. Spontaneous, yes, but it was definitely one of the best things I'd let out. Instead of being a pretty painting, it had something more. A little more depth to it. It meant something to me, the beauty of flowers in springtime, though I was locked away in this little wooden house in the dead of winter.
I left it there to dry.
I looked at the clock. It was time for me to clean up, then I would get dinner started.
When I walked past the kitchen to go up the stairs, I saw the wine bottle resting in the sink. The water would ruin the label, but it was the fastest way to change the temperature of the wine. That was why champagne was served in buckets of ice. You didn't want water in the champagne, but being surround by ice was just as good. The converse was true.
I had gotten paint on this shirt, but I knew that I could buy him 10 more like this. I took it off, and I scrubbed off quickly in the shower in a much more utilitarian way than we had done during our shower sex, and I pulled my hair back. I fired up the stove, and I mixed together the galette batter. I found a pan that was good enough, and I used the garlic butter that he had been using earlier. I fried the ham in another pan, and I made the galettes in the first one. I put the fried ham into the galettes, and I put cheese in there to melt. It smelled really good. I saw that he had a jar of pesto in his fridge, and I brought it out as the garnish and sort of finishing touch. I put just a little bit on top. Pesto was Italian, and galettes were French, but I hoped whatever culinary gods there were would smile on this flavor combination. It might be good.